P5/P6 Grade Booster Workshop
Attention “Kan Cheong” Parents Looking To Ensure That Their Primary 5-6 Children Score At Least AL16 (Express Stream) In PSLE!
Free 1.5 Hours Parent Workshop Reveals How You Can Equip Your Child With These 3 “S.R.S.” PSLE Exam Answering Techniques That Have Helped 387 Students Comfortably Ace Their English, Math & Science Papers All The Way To PSLE… Without Spending Extra Hours On Revision!
HINT: Aceing The PSLE Isn’t Only About Revising & Doing Past Year Papers! 80% Of These 387 Students Achieved 220-239…The Other 20% Scored 240 & Above…Just By Using These “Targeted” PSLE Exam Answering Strategies!

Brendan, Who Scored 268 For PSLE: “Exam Techniques Taught At The Centre Which Were Easy To Rember And Effective… I Scored A* For Both My English And Math!”
I joined SSLC when I was in Primary 4. I had tried other tuition previously at other centres, but they did not seem to work for me as my grade was still stagnant and I was striving for an A* in English and Math.
The teachers at SSLC had helped me a lot by reinforcing my concepts taught in school. This was further simplified by using the Exam Techniques taught at the centre which were easy to remember and effective. They had helped my learning to be more systematic and precise and hence increased my confidence in reaching my target for PSLE. (I was aiming for an aggregate of 260 then). Moreover, the lessons were entertaining and educational and I never thought of it as a chore to attend tuition there.
Imagine my joy when I received my result for PSLE. I scored A* for both my English and Math and achieved and aggregate of 268. I had surpassed my target set for myself. Thank you to all the supportive teachers, especially teacher Allyson. You have always inspired me to do my best and I will continue to strive to do better.
St Anthony Primary
PSLE 268
Promoted to Hwa Chong High

Yan Yu, Who Scored 262 For PSLE: “Teacher Allyson Manages To Break Down Core Ideas Into Simple Compnents That Are Easy To Digest For Budding Students!”
“Teacher Allyson has been my sole tutor ever since Primary 1, and tutored me on all primary school subjects for 6 years.
For primary school students, a main obstacle lies in understanding novel ideas that are not only foreign, but also immensely complex for younger minds at first glance. However, teacher Allyson manages to break down core ideas into simple components that are easy to digest for budding students. She does so by bringing in relevant real life examples and also memory techniques such as acronyms to make sure students can remember concepts, thus building strong foundational groundwork needed to tackle high level problems.
Beyond clear and concise teaching techniques, teacher Allyson goes beyond pen and paper by motivating students to make excellence not just a goal, but a habit. She imbues high expectations within each student in order to motivate us to surpass past accomplishments. Being firm yet sincere in her interactions with students, we hence strive harder also to not let her teachings go in vain. Thank you dearest teacher for everything.”
Pei Hwa Presbyterian
Admitted to NJC

Hi Parents!
I’m Allyson, the founder of SSLC.
Over the past 15 years with my 2 partners, we have opened & operated 5 centres, managing over 1000 students and obtaining 100% passes. On top of that, we have also helped many students from neighbourhood schools to excel well enough in PSLE to enter the Express Stream of reputable Secondary Schools such as Swiss Cottage Secondary School, Bukit Panjang Government High, Methodist Girls’ School, Maris Stella High School & Hwa Chong Institution.
Based on years of refining our teaching strategies, we finally developed a set of 3 powerful, tested and proven PSLE exam answering techniques that teaches our students how to tackle English, Math and Science questions the right way. Equipped with these techniques, 239 of our students achieved a minimum aggregate score of 220 (AL16)… with at least 48 of them scoring 240 (AL10) and above!
Because of the nature of these techniques, they are especially useful for students who are putting in effort but “mysteriously” underperforming in exams. The truth is, these students are losing precious marks not because they have not tried to put in effort into revising and preparing for the exam, but actually, they are not able to translate what they have studied into a format that gets them precious marks in the exam. Our answering technique addresses this by seamlessly transforming what they have learnt into what the examiners are looking out for to award those much deserved marks!

5 Ways You Can Tell Whether Your Child Is Quietly Struggling With "Theory-To-Exam Translation"
- Obediently doing their school work, sometimes even late into the night but when it comes to tests, they don’t translate into the results they should be getting?
- Did not show any significant improvement even after completing a lot of assessment books and past year exam papers?
- Make many careless mistakes even after completing similar questions before?
- Show frustration when facing difficulties from school work and giving up easily?
- Losing focus and getting distracted easily by TV, Social Media, and texting their friends while doing homework?

These are tell-tale signs that your child is losing confidence in his ability to handle his studies, even though he has tried his utmost best but the results don’t seem to reflect his efforts.
Most students – and parents – do not realise that there are 3 key components to ace any English, Math or Science exam paper (including PSLE):
- Understanding Concepts – Learning and understanding what the topic is about, as well as its different parts and subparts.
- Revision – To remember the concepts they learnt in 1) and be able to recall them from memory during an exam; and last but not least:
- [THIS IS MISSING] Exam Answering Techniques – What to look out for in each question, and how to answer them in a way that “scores” the marks.
Most teachers teach the first 2 and expect 3) to happen naturally from doing past year exams. But the truth is that it doesn’t always happen.
What teachers don’t understand however is that some students simply do not naturally understand how to answer questions the correct way. Even if these students initially can grasp the concept and remember it, they commonly misunderstand what the question is asking for and hence, they give the wrong answers.
And because 3) is neglected by most teachers, your child is not likely to get any additional help on this because it’s not even being covered. And if they don’t get additional help, they will continue underperforming even if they continue to study harder and harder, longer and longer. Gradually, they even start losing confidence in themselves and may even start to detest exams. This carries on all the way to PSLE and – as you may have guessed, can lead to disastrous results if not addressed in time.
Can you imagine how much undeserved frustration this must be causing your child and even you as well?
I’m sharing this to tell you that it doesn’t have to be this way.
3 Immediately Applicable Techniques To Jump 10-20 Marks At the Very Next English, Math & Science Paper... Without Extra Revision!
II’m sharing a simple way that allows your child to immediately improve at his next English, Math or Science paper:- By giving him one technique each to tackle exam questions for these 3 core subjects.
The moment they get and apply this correctly, average ‘B’ or even ‘C’ students will experience an instant jump of 10-20 marks at their next exam, while “A” students have a good chance of jumping to “A*” – without doing any extra revision!
Just imagine for a moment…
Your child now comes home with their next school result slip that shows that they have aced their exams and improved by over 10-20 marks. You are pleasantly surprised and happy, they are brimming with confidence…
And as a result, they start to develop a healthy sense of achievement, and start to love studying as they find learning much easier now. They revise harder independently (WITHOUT any of your constant intervention!) for the next exam, and the next, and the next.
Even when it finally comes to weeks before PSLE, there are still no signs of stress with you or your child. You both already know that they are going to do well in PSLE, the only question, is how well…
Sounds too good to be true?
Actually, this is a very common familiarisation process for our students here at SSLC, who after initially facing some difficulties in getting used to our unique system of teaching, have steadily found joy in learning and grew a healthy sense of achievement after learning the secrets to study-smart and be an exam-savvy student instead of traditional “mugging”.

The 3 S.R.S. PSLE Exam Answering Techniques & How They Enable Any Child To Consistently Tackle Exam Questions in 5 Simple Steps
Reading up till this point, you should realise by now that most students do not know how to begin or are unaware about the methods to approach a question, regardless of the subject (English, Math or Science). This is because they are not taught in effective and memorable techniques to begin the step by step process of analysing, followed by solving ANY question.
Having understood this common difficulty faced by numerous students from various schools over 14 years of experience, we have come up with 3 systematic and fool-proof Techniques called SCORE , READY , SHARP (S.R.S) Techniques for English, Math and Science respectively.
The full S.R.S. techniques will only be shared in a closed-room session for parents who enquire early (more details below). Before you attend the workshop, here’s an idea of what each technique is about and how it can immediately help your child to transform his results at the next exam:
S.C.OR.E. Technique (English)
By mastering this technique of analysis, students will be able to have a systematic idea of (1) approaching a question, (2) identifying all the key elements involved and (3) come up with the best answer after some careful analysis.
The result? Imagine your child now scoring full marks for Grammar and Visual Text in Booklet A, Grammar Cloze, Synthesis and Editing sections for Booklet B in PSLE English Paper 2. That’s a total of 50 marks! Your child has already passed the paper, even if he leaves the rest of the sections blank!
Help Your Child Safely Secure 25% Of His English PSLE Marks By Eliminating Careless Grammar & Comprehension Mistakes!
Synthesis & Transformation
Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world.
There is no mountain taller than Mount Everest in the world.
“Tuition-Hopping… Skeptical And Hesitant At First… A* For My PSLE English Within A Year… Get Into My Choice of Secondary School & My Parents Were So Proud Of Me!”
“Hi, my name is Lee Do Eun and I am from South Korea. I came to Singapore with my family when I was in Primary 2 and was always struggling with the English Language. Back then, I hated the language as it was rather difficult for me to comprehend most of the words and all the other subjects were also taught in English.
Throughout my Primary 2 to 5 years, I was always tuition-hopping as my mother did not see any improvements in my English grade. Then in 2014 which was my crucial PSLE year, I enrolled with SSLC through a classmate of mine in school, who was also having tuition there. I was skepical and hesitant at first but soon became glad that I had made the right move.
The lessons conducted at SSLC were simple to understand and the points conveyed by the helpful teachers were easy to remember. My teacher Miss Allyson , in particular, was always readily available to correct my mistakes and point out my bad habits. She always seemed to know how to make me understand a complex question and simplified it for me using simple techniques such as Acronyms to help me remember. She also loved to update the class with current affairs that could help us with our creative writing. In addition, the tests administered also helped me to hone my applications of the techniques taught and prepared me for the challenging questions in PSLE.
Overall, I am glad to have undertaken this journey with my friend at SSLC as I eventually scored A* for my PSLE English within a year. I was able to get into my choice of secondary school and my parents were so proud of me. Thank you Teacher Allyson once again for your patience and guidance.”
Teck Whye Primary
PSLE 253
Promoted to Cedar Girls Sec

R.E.A.D.Y. Technique (Maths)
This technique allows students to minimize leaving out vital information or numbers (which they usually do) and enables them to draw models accurately before deriving final answers. This technique also greatly reduces careless mistakes and students can even score those 5-marks word problems which amount to 20 marks. The better students will be able to obtain full marks for the 3 4-mark questions that differentiate AL1 from AL2.
This technique is the key that differentiates between the AL1 and AL2.

Here’s How Our Best Students Are Scoring 49 Marks Or More Out Of The 55-Mark Problem Sums Section In Paper 2!
Example: Fraction Word Problem
John is selling cookies. He sold 3/5 of them in the morning and 1/4 of the remainder in the afternoon. If John sold 200 more cookies in the morning than in the afternoon, how many pencils did John have in the beginning?”
Morning = 3/5
Afternoon = ¼ of the remainder
200 more in morning than afternoon
How many in the beginning?

6 – 1 = 5 units
5 units = 200
1 unit = 200 ÷ 5 = 40
10 units = 10 x 40 = 400
” It Was Tough In The Beginning But I Managed To Overcome The Challenges… When PSLE Came, I Felt Fully Prepared… PSLE Results Of 1A* (Maths), 2As And 1B… An Aggregate Of 241!”
“Before my grandmother enrolled me in SSLC in Primary 4, my school exam results were not up to my parents’ expectations. I was only scoring high Bs in my English and Math but C in Science.
Upon starting my tuition classes for English, Math and Science, within a short period of 3 months, I was able to learn very useful exam techniques and apply them in my daily homework and assignments. It was tough in the beginning but I managed to overcome the challenges and became more familiar with the techniques. I really like these techniques as they allow me to apply them in virtually all kinds of questions!
By Primary 6, I was already very confident of applying these techniques in my school tests and exam papers. When PSLE came, I felt fully prepared and was really happy when I got my PSLE results of 1 A*, 2As and 1B with an aggregate of 241!
Thank you SSLC for the great learning journey which has made it easier for me to excel in my upper Primary School years. I am sure my Secondary education journey with you will be just as exciting!
Zhenghua Primary
PSLE 241
Promoted to Kranji Sec
S.H.A.R.P. Technique (Science)
This technique equips the child with the skills to identify key words and phrases to form a relationship between the questions and the topics learnt before bringing in relevant concepts to answer the questions precisely.
Remember the entire Science paper is 1h 45 minutes and most of the time, students are unable to complete the paper or do not have sufficient time to check their paper.
By using our method, students not only shortened the time spent on answering the questions simply yet accurately, but would have at least 15 minutes to check their paper.
At SSLC, We Prepare All Our Students To Score Close To Full Marks For Their Science MCQ (56 Marks), Allowing Them To Score ‘A’ Even If They Happen To Make Small Mistakes In The Structured Section

The Sun is behind her and she is blocking the path of light.
Having taught over 1000 children over a span of more than a decade, we understand the pains which both students and parents go through during their children’s primary school years.
We have spent hours looking through various students’ school tests, exam papers and assessments before coming up with the BEST-FIT SOLUTION that can be applied across the board to all different individuals.
We have tried and tested our framework through thousand of coaching hours . Our FOOL-PROOF technique ‘laser-targets’ students’ weaknesses and have helped COUNTLESS students make their learning SIMPLER and more DIRECT.
We also emulate top schools marking schemes which are stricter to help students present their answers more accurately.
The result? With these techniques, your child can answer questions accurately while having more time to check their papers!

Announcing The P5/6 S.R.S. PSLE Exam Answering Techniques Workshop!
Learn how we can help your child immediately score 10-20 marks higher for their 3 core subjects just by improving the way they answer exam questions, and start building the right foundation to achieve a PSLE score of AL16 or less within months, you can learn more in our upcoming “P5/P6 S.R.S. Exam Answering Techniques Workshop”.
If you’re reading this now, it means we’re still temporarily conducting this complimentary workshop so we can spread this urgent message to educate parents on how they can help their child improve tremendously in their exam answering skills before PSLE arrives.
Date: 11th November 2023
Time: 3.00 PM To 5.00 PM
Location: Bukit Panjang Branch
Here's What We'll Be Covering In The S.R.S. PSLE Exam Answering Techniques Parents' Workshop!
1) The Top 3 Types Of Common Exam Mistakes
2) English (S.C.O.R.E.) Technique,
3) Math (R.E.A.D.Y.) Technique,
4) Science (S.H.A.R.P.) Technique,
5) PSLE Structures for:
Maths: The Focus On 4-Mark Question In Booklet B
Science: The Importance Of Identifying The Topic For Each Question
6) [Bonus Revision Technique]
7) 3Cs Of Targeted Teaching Method,
And That's Not All: Get The Following If You're Among The First Few To Register!
[Bonus 1: Strengths & Weaknesses Report For Your Child]
[Bonus 2: First 10 Families Only]

Seats For The S.R.S. Workshop Are Extremely Limited!
As you can see from the results we’ve generated for our students, this is a highly-in-demand workshop that a lot of parents have been asking for. As much as we would like to hold as many workshops as possible to spread the message to students who need them to get to their school of choice, we are only able to hold a limited number of families per workshop due to limited capacity.
Hence, please do not miss this golden opportunity for your child to benefit and apply our techniques instantly for their upcoming English, Math & Science exams!
[Bonus 1: Strengths & Weaknesses Report For Your Child]
[Bonus 2: First 10 Families Only]
More Raving Reviews & Success Stories From Our S.R.S. Techniques!
“Thank you for coaching Jia Shyan since June till her PSLE for English, Math and Science. In such a short period of time, we are amazed by the great improvement she has shown. We were delighted when she achieved her T score way above her expectation and she also received the good progress award for her Prelim (class level). We were surprised that she was also given the GPA which is awarded to the top 10% of her level in Singapore. She had certainly remembered and followed the techniques she has learnt from Stepping Stones.
In particularly, her Science improved from F to A. She had never attended any Science tuition before, except fro SSLC. It was a “rush” job as I only enrolled her from Jun-Sep. I asked what she had learnt. She said “miracle can happen”.
During Teacher Allyson’s coaching period, Jia Shyan always come home happily after her tuition and shared the class jokes with the family. A good teacher not only teach but able to motivate and inspire students to achieve more. Thank you and we are blessed to havve you during this stressful period.”
Unity Primary
Promoted to Bukit Batok Secondary

“Use Simple Techniques To Help Me Remember The Concepts And Applications For English, Math And Science!”
“SSLC is not just a centre for academical development, but also a place for character development. At SSLC, learning is effective as fun is incorporated into the lessons. Furthermore, the teachers would use simple techniques to help me remember the concepts and applications for English, Math and Science.
The teachers are helpful, approachable and passionate in teaching. Students are also encouraged to help one another in learning which cultivates a hunble heart and this forges a stronger bond between students.”
Princess Elizabeth Primary
Graduated From Pioneer Junior College
“In Primary 5… Hovering At Borderline… Under Her Guidance, Shawn’s Grades Shown Great Improvement And He Regained His Confidence In The Subjects!”
“We were very blessed to engage teacher Allyson as a private tutor for our son, Shawn for a number of years back then. In primary 5, Shawn’s results for most of his subjects were hovering at the borderline. Under her guidance, Shawn’s grades shown great improvement and he regained his confidence in the subjects.
Teacher Allyson is very responsible, patient and dedicated. She often uses different strategies such as exam learning techniques to help my son grasp more difficult concepts and to teach him to answer questions to the point. She not only looks into Shawn’s grades but also his holistic development and she would often feedback to me about my son’s progress and behaviour.
I highly recommend parents to enrol their child in SSLC as my son has benefitted greatly from it.”
(Mother of Shawn Seah)
Don't Sit For PSLE Without First Learning These 3 Exam Answering Techniques!
Especially if you’re a worried parent of a P6 child: You can choose to ignore this now…but there are only a few months left before the final/PSLE exams is here and time is running out! At this point, the key is to focus on what’s important & help your child to maximise marks, instead of studying for everything.
For parents of P5 children, it is also very critical to start preparation as majority of the heavy topics and new concepts are taught in Primary 5. (Interesting Fact: Did you know that P5 is in fact, tougher than P6?)
Once you learn the techniques that we will be sharing in the workshop, you will no longer be as stressed about your child’s results anymore as they will now be able to tackle English, Math & Science exam questions confidently and independently!
Don’t miss out on this exclusive workshop that gives them the tools to excel in PSLE exams for 3 out of 4 core subjects. Click on the button below to sign up now!